One way to boost your overall wellness and whole health is through having a consistent oral health routine! By allowing our team to closely monitor your oral health, you will be one step ahead of any issues or problems that may arise.
By allowing our team to closely monitor your oral health, you will be one step ahead of any issues or problems that may arise. From our pH management products to digital microscopy and beyond, we do all that we can to ensure that your smile and overall health are optimal for a lifetime filled with vitality.
If you are looking for a dentist who focuses on your entire wellbeing, you’ve come to the right place. Learn more about our services!
A healthy mouth helps the body; an unhealthy mouth can lead to further problems down the road such as diabetes complications, heart attack, and stroke. With a heavy focus on the mouth-body connection, our practice understands how to address these concerns with a risk assessment and treatment protocol called the BaleDoneen Method.
We offer the convenience of Guided Biofilm Therapy technology which employs a delicate mist of warmed water and a combination of Erythritol PLUS powder to softly cleanse the tooth surface both above and below the gum line. This minimally invasive treatment is suitable for use on all oral surfaces and challenging-to-access areas, including enamel, dentine, soft tissues, restorations, orthodontic appliances, and implants.
Did you know that proper pH management in your mouth can prevent unnecessary cavities and decay? Our office is trained to provide both at-home routines and specialized products to restore this balance.
Our talented dental professionals play a vital role in patient oral health. From periodontal disease prevention and treatment, guidance on home oral health care routines and habits, and more, our hygienists are here to help!
We go beyond just a visual inspection of your mouth. We dive down to the micro-level to monitor pathogens and other harmful elements beyond the capabilities of the human eye through our advanced technology and continuing education paired with training.
Without the proper technology, harmful bacteria can enter the bloodstream during preventative treatments. That’s why we use Advanced Laser Bacterial Reduction Technology to give you peace of mind all the while minimizing discomfort and post-op recovery time.
Testing saliva can help identify issues lurking in your mouth — that may not be visible to the naked eye. By running Saliva Diagnostics, we can create unique treatment recommendations for your whole health wellness plan.
The Perio Protect Method is used in our office to treat those with periodontal disease. This method involves using a soft, custom tray that fits around the teeth and prevents the treatment gel from coming in contact with the gums.
A healthy mouth helps the body; an unhealthy mouth can lead to further problems down the road such as diabetes complications, heart attack, and stroke. With a heavy focus on the mouth-body connection, our practice understands how to address these concerns with a risk assessment and treatment protocol called the BaleDoneen Method.
If you are looking for a dentist who focuses on your entire wellbeing, you’ve come to the right place. Learn more about our services today!